Mar 19, 2013

Flip The Bird

Where did the last couple of weeks go?? I'll tell you where they went...up and down a zillion stairs and across tonnes of beach sand! I've been Bootcamping.

I'm not as fit as everyone else (in fact, I'm ridiculously slow inside this fat suit). However, I have broken through a confidence barrier that has stopped me from giving things a go in the past. Up until now, I really was a mess whenever I thought I would have to reach outside my comfort zone. Always thinking that someone would be watching and sniggering at my feeble attempts, Nervous-Nelly Jane would take hold and simply refuse to do anything that might attract the wrong kind of attention.

I have now realised that there is a giant chasm between what is fiction (inside Nervous-Nelly Jane's head) and what is fact.

So, here are the facts:

1. No-one else gives a flying fig if I'm puffing and snorting up and down the beach... in fact, I get a lot of encouragement from others in the group and from complete strangers, who urge me to keep going.

2. By giving it a go, I might actually inspire someone else to give it a try

3. I'm old enough to cope if ever someone does jeer at me from a passing car. I'm nearly 40 and, at this age, I can flip the bird pretty well ;)

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