Mar 1, 2013


OK, so PMT Jane has arrived for the month of March. We always greet her on the waning moon, when she comes storming through the door with her teeth clenched, ready to rip someone's lungs out.... and we patiently await her departure, when we can resume a peaceful existence.

PMT Jane is not a very happy camper at the best of times but when she's faced with illogical ASIC requests,  BAS horror, PAYG, GST, help lines that are 'busy' and messages announcing that 'your call is unlikely to be answered this century', she really primes herself to dispatch someone.

It is not a pleasant feeling in this body this morning. Since she arrived, it seems that every email, every contact with the outside world, releases new homicidal tendencies.

Something needs to change and PMT Jane is on her soapbox, strongly declaring that the Australian-Tax-Cluster-F**k is the first thing that needs to go. As she says, why, oh WHY do we have to pay such ridiculous taxes and why, oh WHY do we have to work with accountants to help us figure it all out?

Listen, if you're an accountant, I applaud you for your attention to detail, your ability to work in a field that no-one else would touch with a barge pole and your intrinsic ability to count beans. But please ask yourself, is there no way that this could all be done, without my input? Is it at all possible that an accountant fairy could just pay a visit once in a while, file all the pieces of paper, find all the necessary receipts, keep accurate records and, most importantly, not ask me any stupid questions? I am a business owner, not a bloody Magic 8-Ball. (He or she would have to work for free as well - I'm sick to death of paying everyone.)

That said, let's talk 12WBT. PMT Jane is a pretty tough character when she's mad but can easily flip to a big  jelly mess and bawl her eyes out, without notice. Either way, she's not exactly friggin' stable. Now that Stuff-Your-Face Jane has been banned from showing up during emotional peaks and troughs, PMT Jane is looking for a new mate.

Without Stuff-Your-Face Jane here to push all those negative emotions down, PMT Jane might just have to satisfy her blood lust and actually murder someone. If an accountant dies under suspicious circumstances, you'll know who did it.

P.S. If your name is Nicole and you sent a message through to me yesterday via the Contact Bikini Jane link,  I know you work with accountants and that you could, in fact, be an evil accountant yourself!....In any case, thank you for your message - I'm glad you had a laugh and that you're enjoying this blog while you're at work (which leads me to believe that you're probably not an accountant). Another thing that is driving PMT Jane to distraction is that I can't reply to you personally because the STUPID CONTACT FORM didn't send your email address to me :/ Grrr. I will need to fix it. Have a great day, Nicole.


Anonymous said...

Ummmm....I'm not an accountant! So relieved...and safe! Love your blog!

Jane said...

You're safe blognotblob! The psychotic episode is over for March...