Mar 6, 2013

Bootcamp? Bring It!

I've hauled the fat suit off to Bootcamp! After reading so many wonderful stories about 'Bootcamp' and how everyone enjoys it so much, I decided to grab a friend and drag her along with me to our see our local 'Sarge' so that we could both get whipped into gear. Upon hearing the plan, my nearly-65-year-old mother announced that she was going to join us.... oh the shame of having your arse kicked by a pensioner....
Driving to the beach for our first session, and the mood was, well, 'tense' to say the least. I was downright terrified, to be completely honest, and extremely nervous about whether my life insurance cover would still apply if I happened to pop my clogs on the beach. I could see the grizzly headline in the paper: Woman Dies After Lungs Explode!

Let's face it - I have never been an athlete. As a child, despite being a normal weight, poor co-ordination and the sheer panic in my eyes when anyone mentioned 'sport' had always resulted in being  picked last for teams. That's dead last. Even after the chubby kid with glasses, a back brace and one leg...

Anyway, Nervous-Nelly Jane had to nick off. There was going to be no place for her on Bootcamp, quivering like a leaf. We had to call on Bring-It! Jane, who promptly kicked Nervous-Nelly Jane fair up the arse and took over.

Now, the fat suit is one heavy MOFO, so it was still hard going, even with Bring-It! Jane at the helm. But we did it... and we even went back for a second serve yesterday.... and we're going again tomorrow....

As Mish says (oh, and so does Bring-It! Jane)... Just Friggin' Do It!!

Want to find your closest Bootcamp? Check it out here.

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