Feb 12, 2013

A Rustling In The Closet

I have a skirt hanging in my wardrobe that's been there since 2009. It cost an absolute bomb and has never been worn, purchased in the faint hope that, one day, it would fit me....

Last time I tried it on, I could just get it over my hips, with the zip fully open and my gut trying to escape over the top of the waistline.The waistline was, in turn, frantically trying to find something that vaguely resembled a waist (... all in vain... all in vain).

Unfortunately, the skirt isn't the only item that gathers dust in my wardrobe. There's a veritable mountain of 'skinny' clothes, waiting, sadly hanging there, with no-one to show them a good time. To say that I love clothes would be an understatement. In fact, I have even considered that being overweight is one way of keeping my bank balance in the black... if I were a svelte size 12, there would be some very serious spending going on!

Interestingly, of late, things have started to shift around here and there's been a distinct rustling amongst those lonely clothes in the closet.... Someone is whispering in my ear and what she's saying is making sense... Controlling a fashion budget would have to be easier than the regret of not wearing those beautiful 'skinny' clothes. The whispering has been quite insistent and I really do have to agree... it would  be so nice to feel better, sleep better, play better and be... better, I guess.

So, I've embarked on a journey and have committed myself to 12 weeks of being  the 'best version of me' with the help of Michelle Bridges' 12WBT.

It will probably take me a few rounds to get all the weight off I need to lose, as I'm around 30 kg overweight right now. That's a big number. And I'm a big girl. But underneath this rolly-polly body suit, there lives whispering Bikini Jane - a person I think I might have actually 'eaten' in my early twenties.

Bikini Jane feels that she's spent enough time cooped up under the cover of flab and she's getting ready to make her escape. This blog is going to be written by her - by Bikini Jane herself, as she fights for her chance to breathe again.

As of tomorrow, Bikini Jane is in control of the keyboard and I doubt she's going to limit herself to whispering any more!


THE OTHER M1SH said...

Hi Bikini Jane, I have found another Blog I like! Love your concept - keep it up!!
I'm also on the #12WBT first round.


Jane said...

Thanks, Mish! It's so nice of you to visit and leave me a message. It's wonderful to get a virtual pat on the back - I really appreciate it. Good luck with Round One and please drop back in here and see how I'm doing with the fat suit! It has a tricky zipper but I think I'm loosening it up ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Bikini Jane - looking forward to you shouting out and escaping the fat suit! Will read your blog and see how you go.
I have already bought a nice skirt two sizes too small (on a closing down sale) in anticipation of the slimmer version of me reappearing. That's called Faith!
Your fellow 12wbt clothes lover. Liz

Jane said...

Thanks, Liz.... all those beautiful clothes are just screaming out for me to hurry up and take them out! I hope your skirt gets an outing of its own soon! :D