Feb 13, 2013

Bikini Jane's Pinboard

Well, hello there! And finally I'm taking control of this keyboard. Although I'm still in the fat suit, my 'host' is allowing me to post my thoughts about how and when I'm finally going to get out of here.

This week, being the first of our 12 Week Body Transformation, Mish suggested we create a pinboard to help keep us motivated.

I, of course, do not need motivating, but I have to keep plugging away at the fatter half of me, who has used the past 18 years to sit around on her arse and eat crap. Hopefully, she'll come back to this blog every now and then and be reminded about why we're here!

I hope you enjoy the pinboard, dear reader. First, scroll down so you can see the entire video screen. After you click the Start Prezi button, you can expand it to full screen using the little icon in the bottom right corner of the video screen and then just use the forward arrow to have a look through my escape plan :) Press your Esc key on the keyboard at the end, to get out of full screen mode and then leave me a comment way down there, below the video to let me know what you think!

Wish me luck - I have to get outta here!!

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